
Welcome to the Counselor’s Corner for Berkley Charter School! On this page, you will find information about the role of a school counselor and resources you can utilize to help support your child(ren). 

So, what exactly does the school counselor do at Berkley Charter School? My primary objective is to equip students with the tools they need to thrive in the school setting. The formative elementary years are a crucial time for children to develop their communication, decision-making, social, and life skills. They are simultaneously forming attitudes towards themselves, peers, school, social groups, and family. As the school counselor, I dedicate myself to laying strong foundations for students’ future success by providing direct and indirect student services. 

Direct services include but are not limited to: 

  • Counseling – independent and in small group settings
  • Instruction- providing students with lessons following the American School Counseling Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success
  • Assessment and Advisement- working with students to determine their interests and strengths to help plan for the future

Indirect services include but are not limited to:

  • Consultation- sharing supports and strategies to aid student success with teachers, parents, and other educational staff members
  • Collaboration- working with other educational staff members, parents, and the community to support students
  • Referrals- support for students and families to school and community resources for additional assistance and information

Additionally, I serve as Berkley’s Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Referral Coordinator and English Language Learners (ELL) support person.

If you have any questions, email me at mayme.plumlee@berkleyknights.net or call the front office at (863) 968-5024.

Warm regards,

Mayme Plumlee

ED.S Counseling and Human Services

Resources for Parents:

ASCA Student Standards: Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success


Connecting Florida Families to Community Services




Love and Logic techniques for parents


Love and Logic – Helping Kids with Bad Grades


Love and Logic – How to get your kids to do their chores


Love and Logic – How to Handle Kids Whining and Arguing


Love and Logic Website


National Alliance for Children’s Grief


Reading Rockets

Reading Strategies

Counseling Group for Children of Divorce

Learn more about the counseling-group and to access the permission form.